Audrey Healey • Aug 17, 2018
A Unique Introduction to the World-Renowned Brand

SICIS – The Innovator.
It takes a certain degree of innovation to inspire continued enthusiasm for an art that originated 5,000 years ago. Though millenniums have passed, the art of mosaics endures. SICIS founder Marrizio Leo Placuzzi saw opportunity through revolutionized mosaic technology and reimagined material selection. Since the brand’s establishment in 1987, there have been multiple industry-changing patented inventions , which served to instantly set SICIS apart from all competitors. This improved technology was met with a limitless imagination, and the result was a continued cycle of new collections. Today, among the many SICIS collections you will find pixilation , glazed textiles , and even 24 carat gold. Through innovation greatly exceeding that of its competitors, SICIS has developed an international brand with continued success.

SICIS – The World Traveler.
Though born in Italy, SICIS has become quite the world traveler in its 31 years of youth. With roots planted in an abandoned Cannuzzo Cervia house, the SICIS passport was quickly ornamented with stamps from across the world. Across three continents you will find the SICIS brand, whether in the form of a boutique, showroom, or even a townhouse. North America endorses the company in New York, California, and Mexico. Meanwhile, the Middle East alone promotes SICIS in both Dubai and Israel, while the rest of Asia has an additional nine successful locations. These eleven Asian locations nearly double the brand’s European origin, which currently features only six. Though well-traveled, it is the integrity of the Italian heritage that drives the value of the brand.

SICIS – The Homemaker.
Though dense both in artistic invention and geographic reach, SICIS remains loyal to its roots. The homemaker in SICIS ensures that all products are produced in-house and can be exported with the expectation that they are 100% made in Italy—this remains true of few companies today. As the “master of mosaics,” Italy is said to have more mosaic artists per square foot than anywhere else in the world. You will find a number of these mosaic artists in the SICIS factory, working daily to ensure perfection in each SICIS piece. Further speaking to the handmade nature of the brand, SICIS guarantees that all products are customizable, whether the user desires the recreation of an old photo, or an artistic compilation of their favorite colors. Most impressive: these custom orders have no minimum size, quantity, or price. SICIS has truly found a way to preserve the artistic quality of mosaics, whilst continually finding ways to modernize.
SICIS: The WHAT will detail a number of unparalleled SICIS products – Coming Soon!
By Audrey Healey